Browsing through all the online aftercare tips about tattoos and listening to different advice from tattoo artists, you may think it's hard to find a common ground when it comes to taking care of tattoos.
Here is my personal experience about taking care of my tattoos in two different ways, hoping to help you assess and find the approach that suits you the most.
Once my tattoo is done, I leave the covering on the tattoo for a bit, then carefully remove it within 2-5 hours, and gently wash the tattoo with clean water.
Dry the tattoo by gently tapping on it with a CLEAN TOWEL (you don’t want the lint from tissue stick to the tattoo!)
This is the most debatable step!
Option A
Leave the tattoo open to the air, put on NOTHING and keep it dry.
Option B
Apply a THIN LAYER of unscented moisturizing cream to the tattoo, then leave it open to the air too.
I adopted option A to my Tattoo A, and option B to my Tattoo B.
FYI, I got Tattoo A in winter, Tattoo B in summer, which I should’ve swapped the options. LOL
For the following 3 – 5 days, wash the tattoo 3 – 5 times a day to avoid potential infection. Clean and dry is the key, so avoid soaking it in water for about a month (showers are ok, baths are not).
DO NOT SCRATCH AT ALL – slap it lightly instead if it’s really itchy.
Avoid direct sunlight exposure.
Colored tattoos can fade in the sun, so make sure the completely healed one is covered in sunscreen (high SPF is recommended).
The pictures below are for your reference when you have some doubts about the ways to take care of your tattoos!
Tattoo A (Option A) - Before
Tattoo A (Option A) - After
Tattoo B (Option B) - Before
Tattoo B (Option B) - After
Anyway, in the end, skin condition varies from person to person. Some are fine with dry heal (no aftercare balm at all); others might suffer from it because of the sensitive and dry skin. However, one thing we can know for sure in general is that skin needs three things to repair itself: protection, hydration, and nourishment.A small amount of the appropriate balm can provide all three. All in all, what matters the most is to listen to what your body says!!
總之,肌膚狀況因人而異,有些人採用方案A (佛系乾燥法) 刺青成品非常好,然而,有人卻因敏感易乾燥的膚況奇癢無比。但我們都可非常確定的是,皮膚的修護需要三大元素:修護、保濕以及滋養。適量的滋養霜可以提供以上這三種要素。當然,最重要的還是聽聽自己的身體怎麼說!